REFRACTORYSOLUTIONSYOU CANRELY ONTRIDENT REFRACTORY SPECIALISTSWHATLIES BEHINDTHE SUCCESSOF A REFRACTORYPROJECT?Its 10% engineering, 50% materials and 40% installation techniqueSTRENGTHTHAT WITHSTANDS:ELEVATE YOUR OPERATIONSWITHTRIDENT REFRACTORY SPECIALISTS NEWS AllTrident RefractoryTrident Wins “Best in Quality” Award at Mondi Richards Bay Annual Shutdown 2024We are proud to announce that Trident Refractory Specialists has been awarded the Best in Quality for Overall Shutdown Performance…Read Full Story...Heritage Day CelebrationsCelebrating Heritage Day at Trident Refractory Specialists: You Can’t Have Heritage Day Without a Braai! At Trident Refractory Specialists, we…Read Full Story...Western Cape Branch Opening.We’ve Been Working on Something Big!We’re thrilled to share that Trident Refractory Specialists has been working hard behind the scenes…Read Full Story...Preserving South Africa’s Railway Heritage.At Trident Refractory Specialists, it’s not always about shutdowns and emergency breakdowns. Sometimes, we have the chance to work on…Read Full Story... GALLERY DOWNLOADS Refractory Brochure DOWNLOAD Petrochemical Industry Brochure DOWNLOAD REFRA-TEK Brochure DOWNLOAD
Trident Wins “Best in Quality” Award at Mondi Richards Bay Annual Shutdown 2024We are proud to announce that Trident Refractory Specialists has been awarded the Best in Quality for Overall Shutdown Performance…Read Full Story...
Heritage Day CelebrationsCelebrating Heritage Day at Trident Refractory Specialists: You Can’t Have Heritage Day Without a Braai! At Trident Refractory Specialists, we…Read Full Story...
Western Cape Branch Opening.We’ve Been Working on Something Big!We’re thrilled to share that Trident Refractory Specialists has been working hard behind the scenes…Read Full Story...
Preserving South Africa’s Railway Heritage.At Trident Refractory Specialists, it’s not always about shutdowns and emergency breakdowns. Sometimes, we have the chance to work on…Read Full Story...